“No one is a failure who has friends.” – Clarence, the Angel to George Bailey

The company of It’s a Wonderful Life, Gateway Theatre, 2018
Photo by David Cooper Photography
Dear Friends,
At the end of It’s a Wonderful Lifethe people of Bedford Falls rally together to give George a helping hand. It’s a beautifully cathartic scene as George, who moments ago was considering ending his own life, finally sees the impact he has had on the lives of those around him.
Now, like Mary Bailey did for George, PSP is reaching out to our friends seeking support for our most ambitious Matching Fund Campaign yet. A generous donor has pledged to match all donations that are made to PSP between now and the closing of It’s a Wonderful Life to a maximum of $20,000.
It’s easy to donate online through Canada Helps. You’ll immediately receive a charitable tax receipt, and during this Matching Fund Campaign whatever you’re able to contribute will double at the end of the year.
If one of our productions has touched your life in some small way, please consider donating to this campaign. No matter the number, your gift gives life to our company, our artists, and our community.